Friday, January 25, 2008

The Patriot Act Must Go!

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin in 1755

I was talking to a Russian colleague at work the other day. The subject of personal liberty came up. I'll call my friend "Ivan". Ivan suggested to me that giving up personal liberties for the sake of protection is not necessarily a bad thing. I disagreed of course. I vehemently argued that I don't need the State to watch over my telephone lines, internet connections, and daily routines about the city, in order to keep me and my family safe. I'll take my chances, thank you very much.

Ivan couldn't understand my logic and, I expected as much. He's the product of the old Soviet system. Ivan truly believes that the government knows much better about how we should live our lives than we do. Fair enough. Like I said, Ivan's a product of his environment. Things become a little bit disconcerting, however, when I hear an American say the same thing.

I nearly fell over in disbelief a few months ago upon hearing an American being interviewed about the so-called "Patriot Act" say, "Hey, if it keeps me and my family safe from them terrorists over there in Iraq, then I don't mind giving up a little freedom."

Well, I mind. I also have the comfort and profound joy of knowing that Ben Franklin minded as well.

I sometimes wonder if Americans have any sense of historical perspective or, if the sum of their historical prowess can be found in a 3rd grade history book. I shudder to think the latter.

Your's truly will not vote for any candidate who chooses to retain the Patriot Act in any way shape or form. That leaves me but with one choice...that nut case, Ron Paul.

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