Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mitt Romney is Mormon. So what?

What could any red blooded American possibly have against Mitt Romeny's religion. The Mormans (officially the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints) represent a true American made religion; not the Baptists, or the or the Methodists and certainly not the Catholics. In short the LDS is as American as baseball, hot dogs, and Mom's store bought Apple pie. Actually more so, considering that none the three items mentioned have truly American origins.

So why the big hoopla over Mitt Romney 's faith?

Ignorance is the only possible culprit. Freedom of religion is protected in the U.S. Constitution in case some of you may have forgotten. If you're uncomfortable with this reality then maybe you should move over here to Germany where the only two accepted state religions are Catholicism and Lutheranism and everything else, including the Baptists, are considered a sect...right next to Scientology.

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