Sunday, February 3, 2008

Allow me to Rant

Where are you Ben Franklin? Where is Jefferson? Where is Washington?
Our leaders need your council for they have truly lost their way.
Lady Liberty weeps on her pedestal in the the Harbor.
Not for the lives lost on that mournful September Day.
But for the a nation once proud and free,
that has now clearly lost it's way.

by Me

Allow me to rant on this post. I'm having trouble keeping my thoughts clear and concise and I need to just explode; to vent my anger.

Ron Paul's great hope has fizzled into a third place finish as Maine finishes it caucus. Romney finished first, McCain 2nd, and frankly, it doesn't really matter that Paul was nipping at McCain's heels. For Ron Paul supporters -- and I am one -- it's all over but the crying.

In sort of a postmortem ritual, I was watching post Iowa caucus interviews as well as the lead up to the New Hampshire primary's when the name "Ron Paul" began to enter the national media spotlight. Those were the heady days of the Ron Paul Revolution. It appeared that Paul was getting a "ground swell" of support that could not be easily ignored. Still, the forces against freedom and democracy tried. On the eve of a Republican primary in New Hampshire, Ron Paul was left out in the New Hampshire snow by the debate's principle sponsor, Fox News, and the buzz over Fox News' snub of Paul began in earnest over the other rival networks.

On the day of the primary, January 8, 2006, gay activist Andrew Malcolm. People are still throwing money at the Paul campaign as well. And it has managed to raise over 5 million dollars in this quarter alone. Call it faith or stupidity. People believe in the man's message. I believe in the man's message, but Rush Limbaugh was right. Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Republican nomination. Not that I ever believed he did.

What I did believe was that Paul could make a forceful impact on the issues. I believed he could wake up the masses of Americans duped by a false sense of patriotism.

The Security of Superpower Status verses Liberty

With the exception of rogues like Alexander Hamilton, it was never the intent of our forefathers that the United States of America become a "super power". Yet our politicians today seem hell bent on maintaining that status at what ever the cost necessary. They are wrong. The McCains and Romneys of the world are dead wrong.

The greatest desire of every American should not be to maintain some egotistical superpower status. It should be to maintain the liberty and freedom of Americans! And NO, maintaining a superpower does not go hand in hand with maintaining liberty! I'm tired of that lie, and I'm tired of the bastards who propagate that lie!

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

You know who said that? Ben Franklin.

Sorry, I'll pick Jefferson over Reagen any day.

I would venture to say that over half of the American population probably doesn't even know who Ben Franklin was! But you believe in McCain don't you! You know who he is, don't you! John McCain and the rest of the mainstream Republicans will destroy the United States because they failed to heed the advice of men much more wiser than themselves, and I'm not talking about Ronald Reagen.

You Democrats aren't off the hook either. The United States of America was never meant to become a European style social welfare state yet you are quite content to drive America in the same direction as Europe. Well let me tell you something Barak Obama, and Hillary Clinton. I live in Europe. I have lived here for years! I have seen Europeans across this continent slowly loose their national identity and right to voice their opposition to that clusterfuck of confusion in Brussels. All, of course, in the name of unity and the social equality of all Europeans. Is that what you want for America? Please show me, in all the writings of our founding fathers where it was their intent to create a social welfare state! You can't because no such crap exists!

Is resisting government Un-patriotic or my patriotic duty?

I am angry in case you haven't noticed. I have a limited tolerance of willful ignorance; people who use the excuse of a limited education as reason not to go out and buy a book and read, and learn. I listen to that same ignorance being spewed in so-called Yahoo "political chat" rooms and want to vomit. I read some of the crap written on Blogs and just shake my head in disbelief. I watch a political candidate have his freedom of speech cut off by the likes of Anderson Cooper and it suddenly makes me want to re-evaluate the only issue I disagree with Ron Paul on, the 2nd Amendment!

It was the writer of our Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, who said, "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive...I like a little rebellion now and then. It's like a storm in the atmosphere." He went on to write, "If the happiness of the mass of people can be secured at the expense of a little tempest now and then, or even of a little blood, it will be a precious purchase."

The problem is that the "masses" have been duped into believing that their right to resist is not only unlawful, but unpatriotic. Never mind the fact that it was America's truest patriot who penned those words!

Homeland Security is actually a mild form of the Gestapo

I will guarantee the readers of this blog that the German authorities will read my words and will have taken note . It will be construed as incitement of violence. If I ever seek a pass on a U.S. military facility, I will have to fill out a security form and during a waiting period, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will seek any information on me through the German authorities. The Germans, being the good partner in the war against terror that they sort of are, will in-turn forward what I have posted on this Blog as possible evidence of "domestic terrorism" in the planning. My request for a pass to go on a US military facility will be promptly revoked. Most of you will say that that is just. You will say that it is better to make my life difficult by limiting my free speech then to run the risk of a terrorist act. Never mind that I abhor the very thought of physical violence and am simply qouting the words of a great American! Why do the words Ben Franklin suddenly come to fruition!

This is exactly what the likes of John McCain want. Fear, paranoia, and plenty of Taser guns!

Go Ahead, Call me a nutter.

Most of you who read this will brand me as a nut case, but you don't really know me. I abhor violence, and have taught my children to be likewise. I have two wonderful sons who are ten times the young man their father ever was. Good citizens. Good people. With morals and values that would make Jerry Falwell flush with shame.

They are dual citizens but know more about America, it's government and it's history than most American born kids. Every trip to America we have made I required a pilgrimage to Washington D.C.. Even though on our last visit, I was saddened to see that Washington, my nation's proud capital, had coward to the "boogy man" had turned into a heavily fortified "Green Zone". All in the name of security.

Security in exchange for Liberty? Let me be less eloquent than another American patriot.

Kiss my ass
John McCain! Give me liberty or give me death!

There, I feel much better now.

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